From 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day
San Diego, USA
Palmilla Dr 7693
Our Prices
Call Us
Washing machine
Cost Labor Average price of labor excluding parts, discounts or coupons, $
Refrigerator repair 99-600
Freezer repair 99-600
Wine cooler repair 99-600
Commercial refrigerator repair 199-1500
Commercial freezer repair 199-1500
Cost Labor Average price of labor excluding parts, discounts or coupons, $
Washer repair 99-500
Dishwasher repair 99-300
Cost Labor Average price of labor excluding parts, discounts or coupons, $
Coocktop repair 99-500
Cost Labor Average price of labor excluding parts, discounts or coupons, $
Washing machine repair 99-500
Commercial washer repair 199-1000
Cost Labor Average price of labor excluding parts, discounts or coupons, $
Dryer repair 99-300
Commercial dryer repair 199-1000
Cost Labor Average price of labor excluding parts, discounts or coupons, $
Oven repair 99-500

We work 7 days a week and respond quickly to your service needs. Don’t hesitate to call.